
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Case Schizophrenia and the DataGridViewComboboxColumn

So by default SQL Server (Microsoft) creates indices* and  does searches that are case insensitive.

Select * from orders where salesrep='bob' Will find BOB, bob, bOb, etc. (but not Robert)

So I have a DataGridViewComboboxColumn for that field, but since the data all comes from Paradox, where anything goes, I have a mixture of case scenarios.

As it turns out, even though your database cares not what capitalization you use, the combobox does.  It WILL NOT MATCH a field that has an alternate capitalization of whats in your data.

Example: if you have DONNA in the lookup list, and Donna in the orders table, the dropdown will display SOME RANDOM OTHER NAME.

It also throws a dataerror that looks like...

Order Entry [OrdersGrid]: Row 2 Column 16 Context Formatting, PreferredSize... System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs DATA: TONYA 

...and it throws this error for each and every row you attempt to display on the screen.

The solution?

All I did was load the Purchase Orders table using the salesman as its own lookup.  like this

update Purchase_Order set Salesman=(select Salesman from Salesman S where S.Salesman=Purchase_Order.Salesman)

So, we're looking up the salesman, say "Bob" in the Salesman lookup table (finding, say "BOB") and writing that back over the Bob in the row, essentially updating the names in such a way as to match exactly what's in the lookup table.

Now our DataGridViewComboboxColumns work, and we didn't even have to edit the program!

* I still can't make myself use the word indexes.

Bryan Valencia is a contributing editor and founder of Visual Studio Journey.  He owns and operates Software Services, a web design and hosting company in Manteca, California.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Easy Tabbed CSS3 Menus

Look no further than here for an easy CSS guide to making awesome menus.

This works in ASP.NET and pretty much anything else.


Bryan Valencia is a contributing editor and founder of Visual Studio Journey.  He owns and operates Software Services, a web design and hosting company in Manteca, California.

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