First we will create the function.
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: Bryan Valencia -- Create date: 12/16/2009 -- Description: takes latitude/longitude for 2 -- places on Earth and gives the spherical distance. -- ============================================= DROP FUNCTION Geo_Distance GO CREATE FUNCTION Geo_Distance ( @lat1 float, @long1 float, @lat2 float, @long2 float ) RETURNS float AS BEGIN DECLARE @r float --radius of the Earth --select @r=3437.74677 --(nautical miles) --select @r=6378.7 --(kilometers) SELECT @r=3963.0 --(statute miles) --radians DECLARE @radlat1 float DECLARE @radlong1 float DECLARE @radlat2 float DECLARE @radlong2 float SELECT @radlat1 = RADIANS(@lat1) SELECT @radlong1 = RADIANS(@long1) SELECT @radlat2 = RADIANS(@lat2) SELECT @radlong2 = RADIANS(@long2) --calculate answer (from -- and DECLARE @answer float SELECT @answer = @r * ACOS(SIN(@radlat1)*SIN(@radlat2)+COS(@radlat1)*COS(@radlat2)*cos(@radlong2 - @radlong1)) RETURN @answer END GOSo now we have a function to accept two lat/long coords and return the distance. To use it in a select, (assuming you have a data table of geodata organized by zip code, like this... Access Zip Code Database.
Import this data to SQL Server and then use this select statement.
Select distinct Z1.[ZIP Code], Z1.City, Z1.[State Code], dbo.Geo_Distance( cast(Z2.Latitude as float),cast(Z2.Longitude as float), cast(Z1.Latitude as float),cast(Z1.Longitude as float)) as Distance from [ZIP Codes] Z1 left outer join [ZIP Codes] Z2 on (Z2.[ZIP Code]='94558') order by 4
Note here that the data as presented in the Access table stores the latitudes and longitudes as text, so we need to use cast to force it to floats. This gives us a result set that looks a lot like this...