
Saturday, August 4, 2007

Error: Unrecognized attribute 'xmlns'. Note that attribute names are case sensitive

Visual Web Developer 2008 After publishing a newly created website to an existing server (after updating the .NET framework). I browse to the website from my workstation and get:

Error: Unrecognized attribute 'xmlns'. Note that attribute names are case sensitive this file:


Here is what to do.

  1. Edit the web.config file (get the filename from the bottom of the error message) . Make sure you're opening the version on the SERVER, not your local workstation.
  2. find every occurrence of the text xmlns="", and DELETE it. Do NOT delete the line that has a long filename in the "" marks.
  3. Save.
  4. Go back to your workstation and refresh the browser.
After a long time, it refreshed for me. It was like the webserver had to re-initialize first. Then it started acting normally.

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